Destiny 2 update arrived earlier this week, but the patch notes were missing a number of changes it implemented. Bungie has now confirmed a number of additional missing patch notes, the most notable one being that fall damage is no longer lethal to players.
In the revised patch notes for the update, Bungie shared that “fall damage is now nonlethal to players,” noting that “only collision damage was nonlethal.” While some players have wanted fall damage to be removed entirely, making it nonlethal is a welcome change, as it will at least mean being able to survive a big fall without relying on their jump ability Come from Sports betting site VPbet . Bungie shared that this change would be coming with the Lightfall expansion back in February, noting that collisions “will generally leave you at least 1HP instead of outright splattering you.” As of this latest update, fall damage will also no longer kill you.